The Student News Site of Alta High School

The 2023-24 Student Body Officers pose following this year’s Inaguration. They are (left to right) Ethan Scott (Chief of Activities), Annie Heaton (Financial Chair), JJ Gardner (Vice-President), Bode Bjerregaard (Attorney General), Garrett Jessop (President), Jacy Elison (Secretary), Christian Larsen (Public Relations), Jessica Cai (Audio Visual Officer), and Alaina Ogden (Historian).

2023-24 Student Body Officers Inaugurated

2023-2024 Inaugurated following student elections.

Another year has passed, and it is sad to see this year’s student government graduate. Although they were great, we have a great new group of people who were inaugurated just before Spring Break.

Inauguration happened on Thursday, March 30th, 2023. Several offices only had one candidate and those students were elected on the Primary ballot.

The nine new Student Body Officers representing Alta in the school year 2023-2024 include: Garrett Jessop, President;  JJ Gardener is the new Vice-President with Jacy Elison as Secretary.Annie Heaton is the new Financial Chair with Ethan Scott as Chief of Activities Officer. Bode Bjerregaard is the new Attorney General and  Christian Larson is the new Public Relations Officer. Jessica Cai will be the AVO spot, and Alaina Ogden is the new Historian.

The runner up for president, Carter Goodfellow was also at the ceremony. “It’s obviously devastating to not win, especially after putting in a lot of time and effort into it. However, Garrett will do great, and he will make next year great!” Even though he didn’t win, Goodfellow still is showing support and being kind all around.

This group of nine people are hoping to make Alta extraordinary next year. They all have the common goal of making people feel included, increasing school spirit, and making school a place everyone loves. They all are looking forward changes to make Alta even better next year!

President Garrett Jessop is excited about next year. He hopes to build on the success of this year’s student body officers. Jessop is presently a junior class officer, so he’s fully aware of of the work involved in creating unifying activities for students. Jessop said he’s up to the challenge and looks forward to working with student government to make next year amazing. “I’m excited about next year,” he said. “We’ll do our best to serve and build unity and positivity at Alta.”

Secretary Jacy Elison hopes to get to know more students and uplift them. “I hope I can be someone they look to as an example,” she said. “I’m excited to be part of student government.”



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