The NBA Warriors play the Jazz tomorrow night, Feb. 15, in what will be a heart-felt moment. The last time the Warriors were in town, the coaching staff went out for dinner. While at the restaurant, one of the coaches, Dejan Milojevic, had a heart attack and was rushed to the Salt Lake City hospital. The hospital staff did their best, but Milojevic died late Wednesday morning. This was a tragic event not only for the Warriors, but also the entire NBA.
“It’s hard to describe the week. Heartbreaking, devastating.” Warriors Head Coach
Steve Kerr said.
To commemorate their coach, the Warriors are now wearing their coaches’ initials on their jerseys—
DM — inside a heart. The same logo is on the Chase Center Court.
DM — inside a heart. The same logo is on the Chase Center Court.
“This was a devastating situation and was sad to hear,” Alta basketball manager Donovan
Bettinson said.
Bettinson said.
Coach Deki was looked up to by a lot of his players and fellow coaches. He was only 46 years old and has a wife, Natasha, and 2 kids, Nikola and Masa.
This Valentine’s Day, we can all have a warrior’s heart by appreciating those around us. Give your classmates, teachers, and coaches a high five or fist bump. Write an encouraging note. You can be the difference in someone’s day.