The Student News Site of Alta High School


You’ve Tested Positive for Covid: Is it as Bad as Everybody Says it is?

Testing positive for covid can be a hard thing to hear; it makes you think that you’re going tobecome really sick and hospitalized. At least that’s what everyone makes you think when they talk about it.

Although there are people out there who have tested positive for covid and become really sick and had major problems, my experience was a little different. Being sick isn’t the only thing that comes from covid though. There’s also the isolation follows.

Covid has caused me to be quarantined to my home for a long time. First when my dad tested positive, I had to be quarantined for two weeks. Then at the end of those 2 weeks, I tested positive. I have had to quarantine for another 10 days. Luckily enough for me when I got tested, I was able to find a location that did spit tests. I was able to avoid the traumatizing test that many others have had to do, and it was relatively easy to complete this test.

When I took the test, I didn’t have symptoms, but my mom and brother did. I did, however, have a symptom the next day. First I woke up with a sore throat, although that really was only there the first day and then in the mornings for the next few days.

The next symptom was a stuffy nose, that really likes to act up when you’re trying to go to sleep. There was also fatigue, being both sick and a teenager can make it really difficult to want to get out of bed in the mornings. At one point I also lost my sense of smell, but I maintained my sense of taste. I also got over it really quickly; it was ovr in three days.

For me, and the rest of my family, these symptoms just made it seem like I had a cold. It didn’t affect me in any major way, and I honestly wouldn’t have known I even had covid if I wouldn’t have gotten tested.

The hardest thing for me was being quarantined. I have not been able to see any of my friends, go to school, or go to work. The only people that I’ve seen for the past month is my family. It was also really hard to keep up in school because I was so tired and just didn’t feel very well. It took me a while to get through assignments. I postponed doing certain assignments and it was really hard for me to comprehend things, especially math. My mind was foggy.

There are people out there that have had to deal with a more harsh version of covid, but for me and my family it wasn’t that bad. We each got over it relatively quickly, without having any major symptoms. Although my experience wasn’t too horrific, it’s still a good idea to stay safe and stay healthy. It’s better to take precautions and be safe, rather than being sorry.

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