Students examne underwater scenery that will be used in this year’s on stage musical, The Little Mermaid. Tickets are $10 and can be ordered on line on the school website:
The Little Mermaid Runs February 17-22
The Little Mermaid, a classic children’s tale, will spring to life on stage February 17-22 and marks the first ever musical on the new PAC stage.
Tickets are $10 and available on and can be found on the school website.
Since its announcement last school year, everyone in the theatre department has been ecstatic to get the show on stage, and now that the opening date draws near, the set is coming together.
The show, featuring the singing talents of Alta’s own Chloe Barrus as Ariel, will take the audience, especially students, back to their childhood when they watched the Disney version of the musical for hours on end as children. Who can forget the likes of Ariel, Prince Eric, Sebastion, King Triton, and the infamous witch, Ursula. Watching students breathe life into these beloved characters in a show with memorable and even memorized lyrics, will be a treat indeed.
Theater Director Linze Stuiksma notes that this year’s cast is perfect for this musical. “We have some INCREDIBLE student talent this year that will shine in this show,” she said. “I’m super excited about it.”
It will be great to see the use of the new auditorium. According to Caleb Christiansen, the actor for Prince Eric, the talent will rival any of the area high schools. “The new technology we have will only raise our performance,” he said. “Alta puts on some great plays and without the technical issues those performances can only be better.”
After a long year interrupted and destroyed by the effects of COVID, having the musical to look forward to helps us feel normal. The Little Mermaid is recommended for people of all ages.
The little mermaid is an inspiring story with an uplifting message that most if not all have heard.
chloeelizabeth 117 • Feb 5, 2021 at 1:38 pm
Hey, it actually runs the 17th-22
adviser • Feb 9, 2021 at 11:03 pm
Thank you for the correction.