The Student News Site of Alta High School

Carly Torres

It’s time for students to make course requests so administrator can create next year’s schedule and make it possible for students to get the classes they want. Above: Science teacher Ms. Marty

It’s Class Registration Season; Take it Seriously!

It’s that time of year again! Students are registering for their fall semester classes, determining next year’s school schedule.

Current freshmen will be requesting their courses in their advisory class February 1-4, sophomores will do the same on February 22 and 23 in their English class, and juniors will request their senior course in advisory March 1-4.

Kelcey Kemp, Assistant Principal in charge of scheduling, wants students to “know that we are one of the few high schools that ask for student input. Take it seriously!”

Students are allowed the privilege to request their classes and have control over their schedule. This process can be difficult and tedious for teachers and administrators when students want a class that they didn’t request.

Callie Bjerregaard, a counselor at Alta, advises students to “take classes that match their interests. Plan carefully now for what you want to take next year. It’s difficult to make changes later.”

As these registration dates approach, make sure to consider what courses are best for your schedule, and be sure to request them before the 2021-2022 school year begins!

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