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Students celebrate graduation in June 2020. In spite of COVID, they had to stay strong and stay the course to graduate.

Seniors Battling “Senioritis” Must Stay Focus and Graduate

As graduation approaches seniors are losing motivation to come to class. Many seniors in high school claim they have “senioritis” which is when seniors lose motivation for school and end up skipping more classes than they should.

“Senioritis” is a roadblock for many students which prevents them from ending the school year strong. Luckily there are ways for students to push through senioritis and stay motivated no matter the circumstances. However, the seniors need to be willing to put in the effort to push through senioritis and successfully graduate. 

Senioritis is not just a made up “myth” it’s something that a variety of teens across the world can all agree impacted them. Senior Esmi Carillo said, “I used to think senioritis was just a joke but, now that I’m a senior I have lost most of my motivation to come to class everyday. Because it feels like I’ll be graduating soon anyway so there’s no point.”

But there is a point. Seniors need to finish and not put graduation in jeopardy. Counselor Jen Scheffner believes “senioritis” is really just “spring fever” and it’s a poor excuse. “Every student gets antsy to be done in the spring,” she said. “Graduating from high school is simply part of our journey and seniors need to focus on finishing strong and consider their fourth quarter their preparation for college.”

“Spring Fever” or “Senioritis” …. the issue remains that students need to stay strong and finish strong.  Seniors must remind themselves that in order to even graduate they still have one more year to complete. If seniors continue to remind themselves that by missing class they are putting their graduation at jeopardy then they can find more motivation to push through senioritis.  

Counselor Callie Bjerregaard advises seniors to remember their goals. “You never get this opportunity again,” she said. “To quote Macklemore, ‘someday soon your whole life’s gonna change; you’ll miss the magic of the good ole days.'”

Seniors have already completed three years of high school and other years in school before that. Now we just have one more year and if you were able to come to class all the previous years then you also have the ability to do the same your senior year. My advice to seniors is to look at senior year as the “final chapter” to finally leaving high school and being able to enter and create a new life for yourself. Look at it as a right of passage that you must complete to see all the new and great things that life has to offer for you in the future. Graduation is something that every student has the ability to achieve with the right mindset, work ethic, and motivation. I go through days where I lack motivation to go to class but reminding myself of graduation has helped me to stay on track. 

Being a senior in high school can be difficult yet, there are also things to look forward to when you become a senior. Teens who are entering college or have other plans after high school can look forward to the new life they will be living once they graduate. “Senioritis” is temporary and something that every student can overcome. Seniors should finish this school year out strong so they can have a wonderful graduation and build themselves the opportunity to create a successful future for themselves! I know it’s difficult but you can do it! Before you know it you’re graduating and wearing your cap and gown! Don’t let senioritis knock you down! I believe in you all!

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