The Student News Site of Alta High School

Access to mental health allows students to better overcome covid induced mental health challenges.

Thanksgiving Gratefulness

Students give their opinion on what they are most grateful for.

Thanksgiving and gratitude go hand in hand and this year is no exception in spite of the difficulties many have endured during this “Covid” period.

Students have a lot to be thankful for, so when asked what they appreciate most, they said …..

Kymora Te’o says, “I am thankful for my family, mostly my dad.”

Family is super important to Alta students and their success, parents, grandparents, and even siblings can be big influences in students lives and should be shown gratitude.

“I’m thankful for religious freedom because we don’t have to worry about being persecuted and driven away,” says freshman Macy Miles.

Our county and freedoms we have is another thing to be grateful for! The United States gives so many people opportunities and freedoms to do the things they love.

Education, communities, and life in general are also things to be thankful for.

“I’m thankful that my math grade went up to a C,” states Sydney Ketcheside.

“I am so grateful for the wonderful opportunity my mom has given me in Angel’s Hands characters,” Stated Berkley Foulks, “AH characters are a group of teens that dress up for little kids with rare diseases that can’t go to Disneyland so we bring it to them. I am Tinkerbell for this beautiful community and I am so grateful to give back.”

Gratitude not only has an affect on our mental state, but it also has an affect on everything in your life. It makes you more positive and can open doors to new bonds and relationships with others.

“Gratitude is a choice,” says Lisa Arango, a FIU psychologist, “It is noticing the good and recognizing where the good comes from, usually outside of ourselves.”

Choosing to be grateful can lead to things like good health, having stronger relationships  with friends and family, and a better scene of who we are and what to do. Gratefulness shifts the focus away from ourselves and towards others. Recognizing that others are helping and loving us is the best thing someone can do. It creates hope and optimism, also motivates connection between people.

Ways to embrace gratitude:

1. Reflect.

2. Keep a gratitude journal.

3. Tell people how grateful you are for them.

4. Find the good in things.

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