The Student News Site of Alta High School

Courtesy of Wolfhound Digital

Social Media

March 29, 2020

Students at Alta love social media, but do they love it too much?
The average American teen is on their phone for seven hours and thirty minutes, so I wonder how students at Alta compare.
Brianna Schimpf says, “ I spend at least six hours on my phone” each day. She also added that the reason she is on her phone so much is that “I always lose track of time when im on my phone”
Along with the amount of time kids are on their phone I wanted to know what apps they are on during that time, and what social media platforms they use.
Grace Lyon says she uses her phone for “around three hours and forty five minutes. Most of this time is spent on “Instagram and Youtube.”
So now that we know how often kids are on their phone and what apps they use, lets see what situations teens use their phones and social media for.
Ashlee Stoker says “I have no social media or games so I use it for things that will help me throughout my daily life”
Someone with Social media like Brianna Schimpf spends most of her time using “Netflix, Snachat,andTik Tok.” This seems to be the case for many teens.

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