The Student News Site of Alta High School
Counselor Christine Astle participates in 9th grade schedule planning.

Kael Forsythe-Barker

Counselor Christine Astle participates in 9th grade schedule planning.

Course Request Forms To Be Sent Out Soon

Course Requests open for Freshmen: February 3rd - 10th Sophomores: February 14th - 23rd Juniors: February 27th - March 2nd

It’s that time of the year again: Alta’s counselors are coming soon to announce course requests on the following dates:

Students are eager to apply for new courses, especially those which haven’t been offered before. Forensics, taught by Mr. Farnsworth, is a new class that has generated considerable interest. Garrett Olsen, a 9th grader, said he’s excited to register for weightlifting when he gets his course request paper. He also said he is considering trying out for a sports class.

School Counselor Christine Astle hopes students will take their future schedules seriously. She advises students know what they need for graduation and plan accordingly.  “Eleventh grade students need to be especially knowledgeable about their schedules,” she said. “They don’t want be credit deficient their senior year and jeopardize graduation.”

Astle also emphasized that students need to make up any failed classes, and to think about any future career considerations.

Students need to think ahead about the colleges they want to attend. “Pay attention to those requirements,” Astle said. “They look for students who have taken specific classes and earned specific grades.”

Proper planning pays off in the end.

In the end, Astle said all students, regardless of grade, should pick classes that they would enjoy.


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