The Student News Site of Alta High School

Goodwill Bins

Alta Loves Thrifting

Alta Students Enjoy Second Hand Shopping

Students at Alta believe that thrifting is a better way to shop. With prices of clothes so high, thrifting is a good way to get more for your money. 

Chase Radford says, “I like to thrift my clothes because it saves money and I can get a lot more stuff.” 

While most would agree that secondhand clothing is a good way to expand your closet and have a wider range of clothes to wear, some aren’t as big of fans. 

Jaycey Bennion explains why she doesn’t enjoy thrifting, “It is smelly and feels gross… I have to wash it three times before I feel comfortable wearing it.”

Thrifting isn’t for everyone but there are many different types. Many avid thrifters consider four types of stores. There are your average stores like Savers, Deseret Industries, and other stores like it. Then there are your higher quality boutiques and vintage stores. Some of the local popular ones include, Revive Thrift, Vantage, Pibs Exchange, and other resell locations.

Kenan Kovac’s favorite is Revive Thrift in Midvale because it is close and cheaper than most and they have lots of good clothes. He talked about how the customer service is really good and he always feels welcome in the store. 

The third type is the Goodwill Outlets or “Bins”. These are stores that are donation centers and unorganized and just thrown in “bins”. This is many people’s favorite because the clothes are cheap, often $2 or less for a pound of clothes. 

“The bins are fun but hard to find really cool things. Me and my friends go for a couple hours and try to find some good clothes.” Says Easton Lovell, “If you get a good find it’s a really good day.”

The last type of store are online stores. These stores can be Ebay, Depop, Grailed, and others. Many people go to in person stores to find these pieces to sell online. People can make some real money if they pick up these clothes for cheap. 

Matt Okerlund has a real talent for reselling things online, “I go to the bins and then sell what I find on Ebay. I have made some decent money doing this.”

Thrifting is a good way to find new clothes, save money, and for some even make money.

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