The Student News Site of Alta High School
Seasons Greeting with Mental Health Screenings

Seasons Greeting with Mental Health Screenings


You may find yourself feeling the effects of seasonal depression/ and or anxiety this spring season. We here at the Hawkeye Staff have found a few tips and tricks for staying positive this new  season and how to take more control over your life.

 Alta should be a safe place for students to learn and grow and create positive relationships with peers and administrators. 

As someone who struggles under lots of stress, I always find it hard to balance homework and school life with my mental health, but it’s always important to put myself before grades. Grades do not define who you are and your worth, but grades are also an important thing to keep in mind.

Ask for Help

One thing I find helpful is to stay on top of work even when it’s stressful, and asking for help is okay! There are many classes that can help you with your work, especially math. Teachers are here to help and work with you and your time. 

The coming weeks before spring break can be extremely stressful. Trying to make sure everyone is taken care of, additional to school already can be challenging without adding an extracurricular. Grades are now counting in high school, and although you may not feel like trying now, you’ll wish you tried later.

I’m here to give you a few tricks to make sure those grades stay up during the march rush.

Stay Motivated

Firstly, stay motivated! If you’re not even motivated to do your homework you won’t do it. Remind yourself of your future goals and don’t associate homework with anxiety or stress.

Also, try try try to apply yourself to the subject, even if you dislike the class you’d be surprised how much more you could progress if you applied yourself to the work.

Use a Planner

Don’t feel pressured to do the subject if you truly can’t understand. You shouldn’t have to force yourself into anything you don’t want to. Even if you need the credits there is always an alternative. Finally, use a planner! You’de be surprised how organizing your work and managing your time will help you feel less stressed this holiday season. 

Peer pressure is something everyone deals with at least once in their life but if things get too stressful it’s okay to take a step back and take a moment to breathe. One way I de-stress is by listening to music and doing something I love like watching a movie.

But knowing how to limit your time and get back on task is key. Your work still needs to get done but you should still be considerate about your own mental health. When dealing with peer pressure all you need is to try your best and put in as much work as you can.

Get Help

Sometimes you just need a little help. Teachers are the ones meant to provide it! So let them! Teachers want you to succeed and want you to want help. However there are a few guidelines you should follow. Mainly, be considerate about the teachers time and their work schedule.

They have a lot of students they are trying to keep track of. Also, ask relevant and specific questions, you need the help so get it. Ask questions that are going to help you get the answers that you need and that will help you in the future so you can be more self-sufficient.

Be honest and tell your teachers why you can’t figure out whatever you are trying to figure out. If you’re honest with them, teachers are going to trust you more and want you to do your very best aka giving you the benefit of the doubt. Lastly, respect your teachers’ decisions. If they decide to not give you extra credit or not allow late work they may have their own reasons. Respect your teachers and you will get the benefits!

Mental Health Screenings

Additionally, this year Canyons District has decided to motivate  students to seek mental health guidance at their mental health screenings in March, and April. You can sign up in advance on 2023 can be a great year with brighter possibilities with the help of these screenings. 

As said by popular singer Demi Lovato “You don’t have to struggle in silence.”

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